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NDIS insights during COVID-19

Throughout the last 3 months, we’ve seen some noticeable trends in the NDIS landscape.We’re happy to provide our NDIS insights throughout this period.

What are we seeing?

– Isolation has been affecting participants well-being and we have seen a spike in the demand for our Music therapy services

– Essential care needs hasn’t stopped and we’ve seen co-ordinators adjust the needs of their clients to clinical services like podiatry

– Aged Care Homes have started to allow NDIS clinicians as long as PPE and flu vaccinations are current

– Group Homes have been accessible at the discretion of each manager, we have had success engaging them individually to discuss the needs of our clients

– Day programs and schools at this stage are still in lockdown the conversations we have had indicate allowing NDIS practitioners in at the start of term 3


What does this mean? 


– It is critical that clinicians engage the relevant managers and principals to discuss what can be done to see participants

– Music therapy has demonstrated measurable outcomes for both physical and mental wellbeing

– Ensuring all staff have had their flu vaccinations and practicing the use of PPE

– Seeing our younger participants on weekends and if possible later in the evenings allowing them to rest

NDIS Participant experiences

The NDIA is encouraging participants to  share their experience during COVID-19 response. This survey is ran through the University of Melbourne and will focus on topics such as tele-health, NDIS process changes and implications on funding. The survey is anonymous, voluntary and will take 15-20 minutes of your time.

The findings of the survey will be written into a report by the NDIA and published in academic journals. All information will be unidentifiable.

If you need support with any of your NDIS participants please reach out to us today.


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